Lexington-Richland School District Five will host a Support Staff Recruitment Event from 3:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. on March 29 to recruit classroom support, student nutrition and clerical positions, as well as custodians and bus drivers.   Candidates must register to attend the event at http://bit.ly/D5SSRE. During the event, participants will beContinue Reading

State Representative Chip Huggins, serving District 85-Lexington County, will not seek re-election and has announced his retirement from the South Carolina House of Representatives after more than twenty-three years of service.  First elected in 1999, Rep. Huggins is currently Chairman of the House Regulations and Administrative Procedures Committee and servesContinue Reading

Camp Bookworm opened recently at Leaphart Elementary School. Students used flashlights to hunt down species in the twilight, fished for native species of fish in Lake Willabuff, got to interact with real camping gear like stoves, tents and loaded hiking backpacks, and explored the wildlife up close and personal withContinue Reading

H.E.R.O. homeschool students recently planted two juniper trees in the Irmo Branch Library Habitat Garden with help from Matthew Schnabel and Beth Foley, Green Step School mentors from the SC Forestry Commission.  The trees were donated by Todd Beasley, owner of Primitive by Design and board member of the Environmental Education Association ofContinue Reading

BEER BENEFITTING CANINE FRIENDS Steel Hands Brewing is excited to announce the launch of a new charitable mission, ‘Steel Paws’. Steel Paws will provide year-round support for canine initiatives focused on Public Safety, Special Needs, Public Service and Rescue/Shelters. Steel Paws is intent on making a paws-itive impact. “We wereContinue Reading

‘The Social Event of the Year’ “A Taste of Lake Murray,” presented by Lexington Medical Center, will return on Thursday, March 31. Enjoy live music from the Finesse Band, Cody Webb and Spencer Rush while sampling specialty dishes from area restaurants at the 2022 Taste of Lake Murray. The annualContinue Reading

Chief Terrence Green is pleased to announce that Corporal Grady Johnson was chosen by his peers as the recipient of the 2021 Art Rish Employee of the Year Award. Corporal Grady Johnson has been with the Lexington Police Department since 2008 and has worked assignments within the Patrol Division, SpecialContinue Reading

This past weekend Irmos’ own Chantice Burton, 4th grader at Nursery Rd. Elementary, competed in the AAU National Indoor Junior Olympics March 11-13th in Virginia Beach,  VA bringing home Gold in the 60-meter dash. Chantice (10), competed against 11yr old girls throughout the United States.Continue Reading