Favorite Fishing pro Matt Becker of Finleyville, Pennsylvania, brought a five-bass limit to the scale Sunday weighing 17 pounds, 11 ounces, to hold off a massive charge from local favorite Anthony Gagliardi of Prosperity and win the four-day MLF Tackle Warehouse Pro Circuit Presented by Bad Boy Mowers, Googan BaitsContinue Reading

Lexington County has deteriorated thanks to so many subdivisions thrown up too quickly without rhyme or reason. We don’t have enough emergency services to handle the explosion, and roads cannot provide delivery of those we have. First responders cannot get through. Without side roads, and with the nature of lakeContinue Reading

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott (pictured) was honored by the Town of Blythewood at the 11th annual Blythewood Rodeo, Sat., Apr. 24. The Sheriff received a Town Resolution congratulating him for his having been named 2021 SHERIFF OF THE YEAR by the Alexandria, VA-based National Sheriff’s Association (NSA). The resolutionContinue Reading

If you’ve made the leap into investing in a better quality of life with a boat, you’re hopefully prepared for some upfront costs. When you’re on Lake Murray soaking up the sun with friends and family this spring and summer, it will be clear that the expense was well worthContinue Reading

Dozens of students from Lexington-Richland School District Five competed in this year’s University of South Carolina (UofSC) Regional Science Fair held virtually March 26. “I am so impressed with the high level of participation and the accomplishments of students in our district,” School District Five Coordinator of Science, Health andContinue Reading

The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) released the names of the first group of winners in the 66th annual National Merit Scholarship Program and one Lexington-Richland School District Five student is a winner of a corporate-sponsored National Merit Scholarship. Seungwook Won (Dutch Fork High) was named a winner of aContinue Reading

A field of 161 bass fishing professionals from around the world began their four-day competition for a top award of up to $135,000 at the MLF Tackle Warehouse Pro Circuit Presented by Bad Boy Mowers, Googan Baits Stop 3 Presented by Favorite Fishing – Lake Murray Thursday in Columbia, SouthContinue Reading

Lexington County Emergency Services is pleased to announce the successful launch of Text-to-911 service. The County’s Text-to-911 uses the latest state-of-the-art technology allowing hearing- and speech-impaired residents, as well as those in potentially dangerous situations, to reach out for help. Text-to-911 will be available for all Lexington County residents andContinue Reading

On April 13 Kathy Padgett of SC PRT/Statehouse Tours and John Padgett of SC DMV of Chapin were recognized at the Statehouse for their upcoming retirements. Pictured are Kathy and John Padgett, with their daughters Blythe and Katy, as well as Representative Chip Huggins.Continue Reading