Irmo Police Chief Courtney Dennis on Monday announced The Irmo Police have located a suspicious device near the intersection of Cressfell Road and Chapelwhite Road near the entrance into the Hidden Oaks subdivision. During the search, the bridge into the neighborhood had to be shut down until the suspicious deviceContinue Reading

Walmart presented a check worth $5000 to the Irmo Police Department Community Foundation on Tuesday, June 15. “The IPD Community Foundation bridges the gap between law enforcement and community,” said Irmo Police Chief Courtney Dennis. “All the donations go back into the community by aiding those in need or supportingContinue Reading

Irmo Police have announced an arrest in connection with a shooting incident May 30. The Irmo Police were called after two vehicles were exchanging gunfire while traveling into the Friarsgate neighborhood. One of the vehicles crashed into another motorist. Four of the occupants from that vehicle fled the area onContinue Reading

On May 13, the Irmo Police Department held their annual employee appreciation ceremony and awards banquet. During the ceremony, several officers were recognized for their hard work and dedication throughout the entire year of 2020. A number of officers that received awards were not able to attend the ceremony, butContinue Reading

Six former Irmo Police Chiefs joined the honorable Brian Buck for breakfast on Thursday, February 18 at the Lizard’s Thicket in Irmo to present him with letters of recommendation to the 2021 Irmo High School Hall of Fame. Judge Buck was Irmo’s Chief of Police from 2005 until 2015 whenContinue Reading

The Irmo Police Department is investigating an armed robbery that occurred at the Pitt Stop convenience store located in the 7400 Block of Broad River Road in Irmo. Around 8 pm the suspect entered the store wearing a torn white t-shirt or rag as a mask/face covering. The suspect presentedContinue Reading

Irmo Police Chief Courtney Dennis announced that Quavian Bing, 31, of Irmo has been arrested on Burglary charges. Investigators were able determine through evidence collected Bing broke into the Silver Fox Grill in the 7400 Block of Broad River Road on October 25. On October 29th, Bing broke into theContinue Reading

The Irmo Police Department is investigating a burglary that occurred at the Burger King & 7-11 convenience store located in the 7700 Block of Broad River Road in Irmo. Around 3:30 am, the suspect in the picture below broke out a window and entered the restaurant. During the burglary atContinue Reading

The Town of Irmo received a Justice Assistance Grant from the Office of Highway Safety to purchase much-needed police radios for the Irmo Police Department. “Some of our radios are as old as 2003,” said Irmo Police Chief Courtney Dennis. “And we’ve been warned that by 2025 most of ourContinue Reading

The Irmo Police Department may have started a trend in sporting pink badges, vehicle magnets and wrist bands in support of Breast Cancer Awareness month during all of October. These magnets are showing up on numerous first responders vehicles in the Midlands including other law enforcement jurisdictions and the coroner’s office inContinue Reading