Dear Mr. Kenneth Loveless, Vice Chair of Lexington Richland District 5 Board of Trustees, The article in South Carolina-  The State newspaper released September 9, 2022 “LR5’s Loveless subpoenas Facebook for info on parents, teacher, attorney, media” is alarming on many levels. You are an elected public servant representing LexingtonContinue Reading

Open Letter I am proud of this current board for standing up for the taxpayers, and more importantly for the students as we continue to uncover wasteful spending which has occurred over the last 14 years in D-5. While I have served for 16 years of the last 20 years,Continue Reading

Editor’s Note: The Letter from Ken Loveless the referred to here first appeared online after our July 14 issue was published. It is printed in this week’s issue. “Unfortunately, it will be next February before I can prove my case – which was undoubtedly the goal of the individuals whoContinue Reading

Open Letter Over the weekend I had a chance to read Ms. Hammond’s response to her ethics violations in the Irmo News (April 28 edition). In her letter Ms. Hammond appears to take every opportunity to minimize the seriousness of her violations and make excuses for them. We know herContinue Reading

It is important to me for the public to know the whole truth concerning ethics complaints filed against me by 2 community members, neither of whom I know. One person requested from D5 all e-mails sent to me during a certain time period and the other person combed through pastContinue Reading

Richland County property owners are urged to attend the County Council meeting on April 19 to compel denial of controversial mass rezoning. Concerned citizens in Richland County are being urged to attend the Council meeting on April 19, 6 pm at Richland County Administration Bldg, 2020 Hampton St. because ofContinue Reading

It is with honor that I endorse Councilman Bill Danielson for re-election. He has lived in Irmo for over 30 years and served this community in various capacities. “Service Over Self” defines Bill Danielson. Bill Danielson’s fiscal accomplishments in less than two years are unparalleled. He offers a wealth ofContinue Reading

I was glad to learn that Barb Waldman is running for a seat on the Irmo Town Council.  She’s just the kind of person who will benefit the work of the Council.  I’ve known Barb for over ten years and I know her to be dependable, honest, thoughtful about whatContinue Reading