Open Letter I am writing to you as a frustrated educator, parent, taxpayer, and voter. Several months ago, I reached out with concerns regarding what was happening in Richland-Lexington School District 5. At that time, I said I felt that without corrections, we would lose our superintendent Dr. Christina Melton.Continue Reading

Open Letter The June 12 District Five board meeting began with a trustee’s reprimand of the Director of Communications for not sufficiently celebrating our new superintendent. Trustee Ken Loveless expressed disapproval that, “there was very little recognition on the district website and next to no fanfare in the community and theContinue Reading

Open Letter As Chair of the Lexington/Richland District 5 School Board, I want to assure our community that District 5 is moving forward. We will be concentrating on the well-being of all our students. We will seek, and encourage, teacher input as we set our goals and vision for theContinue Reading

Remember all the talk about how elected officials, government, etc. should be more transparent.  I agreed then and still do. I read the other day where at the Special Called Meeting on June 29th Council voted and approved Irmo Town Administrator Bob Brown’s “request to retire”.  Never heard of thatContinue Reading

Congressman Joe Wilson issued the following statement commending Israel’s use of the Iron Dome: “It is encouraging to see the success of the Iron Dome, one of the world’s most sophisticated missile defense systems, in intercepting rockets launched by Iranian-backed Hamas. The Iron Dome has intercepted at least 90 percentContinue Reading

During his 1996 State of the Union address to Congress, President Bill Clinton stated, “The era of big government is over.” More than two decades later, President Joe Biden’s address to Congress articulated the exact opposite sentiment. His address painted a picture of a thriving America under higher taxes andContinue Reading

By Mike DuBose I grew up on a rural, dirt road in Darlington, SC during the 1950’s. We left our doors unlocked at night—we felt safe. As children, we played with friends unsupervised away from our homes; life was simple and happy. We only had a few toys and, notContinue Reading

Lexington County has deteriorated thanks to so many subdivisions thrown up too quickly without rhyme or reason. We don’t have enough emergency services to handle the explosion, and roads cannot provide delivery of those we have. First responders cannot get through. Without side roads, and with the nature of lakeContinue Reading

We were “that” family, the family that everyone knew and thought of as the “perfect” family in our community. While we couldn’t imagine something like this happening to us, we could no longer deny our son’s drug addiction. It was no longer something that happened to other people, it wasContinue Reading

By State Representative Nathan Ballentine Over the past decade, rooftop solar has become a reliable yet affordable option for citizens to produce their own electricity thanks to new technology and smart public policy. South Carolina has become a leader in the Southeast for our forward-thinking approach to solar energy policy.Continue Reading